White Plains Litigation Lawyers

Litigation Lawyers in White Plains NY and Mississauga, Canada

Business Contract Disputes

When contracts are drawn up between business entities, or individuals and business entities, disputes often end in legal action where the services of a business lawyer are needed. A contract is an oral, written, or digitized agreement between two or more parties outlining terms for parties to make a legal “exchange of something” – a consideration. Courts allow freedom to form and negotiate most contracts without government intervention, but it is a wise practice to utilize the services of The Bobb Law Firm PLLC to review disputed contracts, and address litigation arising out of an alleged contract breach to outlined clauses included in those contracts. The intent of parties to a contract must be spelled out to avoid confusion about what is expected of the parties in order to satisfy the contract. Experienced business lawyers can work with disputing parties, or their legal representation to clear up arguments over legal contracts that can be oral, or written instruments. Written contracts also protect and outline legal action in the event there is a breach of duty caused by extenuating circumstances.

Deviations from elements of a valid contract

When a contract is prepared, it needs to contain certain elements that make it valid. When companies, or individuals enter into agreements using invalid contracts, lawsuits may need to be filed to correct the deviations in the contracts, and to recover any losses related to the invalid terms of the contract. A business litigation attorney at The Bobb Law Firm PLLC can be instrumental in correcting deficiencies.

  • A stipulated start and end time, including the length of contract, and signatures proving agreement of consideration and process of delivery
  • Naming jurisdiction as to wherea dispute will be resolved; indicates which state or province’s law will be used to decide the dispute
  • Parties to a contract must be named and linked with their associated business entity if there is one
  • Purpose of the contract includes consideration, or the amount, or benefit the parties will exchange for their unique demands
  • Delivery of goods or services named in the contract along with a timeline
  • Compensation is the payment for completing the delivery of a good or service
  • Terms and conditions include a scope of work, and outline party expectations
  • Consequences of breach result in the liability assigned to each contracted party if they breach, or fail to deliver upon the agreed terms

Corporate dispute representation

Business lawyers at The Bobb Law Firm PLLC are valuable in representing legal profit and not-for-profit entities involved in disputes over matters related directly to the activities of the business structure. They can represent individuals involved in tax disputes, workers’ compensation claims, and any breaches of workers’ compensation laws and best practices in accordance with federal and state/provincial guidelines, as well as human resources disputes and illegal hiring, or firing practices that violate federal laws.

Business contracts between companies

 Business lawyers can be instrumental with business litigations matters when entities cooperate and engage in joint endeavors for comprehensive results and market share. There are instances where companies must divulge internal information about the company’s procedures, processes and strengths and weaknesses to complete a joint endeavor. Attorneys at The Bobb Law Firm PLLC can draft non-disclosure agreements utilized in these circumstances to keep corporate information out of competitors hands, and as a precaution to secure trade secrets. If disclosure agreements are broken, experienced litigation attorneys can sue for damages caused by the disclosure.

Mishandled business valuations

 When a business owner decides to sell, experienced business lawyers can help owners determine the market price based on annual revenue, earnings, and physical assets, including real estate and equipment minus any debt, plus intellectual property. An experienced business attorney at The Bobb Law Firm PLLC can initiate legal actions against clients in court when contract disputes, or other business problems arise, such as false claims regarding business valuations that will decrease the worth of a company, or inflate it to take advantage of a potential buyer.


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